what if... you could make a deep, positive impact on the entire city of Sydney. By sitting still. In complete silence?

What if...

A big group of us got together, to meditate. In unison and harmony. Could we make a difference to this beautiful city we live in?

What if...

We then measured the impact of our group meditation on: crime, accidents, pollution and other challenges our community faces.

and What if...

Together, we each had a meaningful effect - just by quietly doing something, in total peace and stillness. Without fear. Guilt. Or shame. Because we care about the state of our planet.

This is the Meditation Effect.

You know what the best part is? This doesn’t have to be, just a “What If”. It has already been scientifically proven, that when the collective consciousness of less than 1% of a community is raised, it has a positive, profound impact on the entire planet.

You can be a part of this.

We prepare for the Meditation Effect, at monthly meditation evenings in the CBD. From there, we organise our whole community for one, big, mass, Meditation – where we raise our collective consciousness. Together. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an absolute beginner, expert or somewhere in between. We can teach you how to meditate, show you a new style, or you can do your own.

IMAGINE... What If.

And knowing, that you were a part of a peaceful movement – A revolution that made a difference to our world.

What is The Meditation Effect?

What is The Meditation Effect?It has been shown time and time again that when meditators gather in large groups to silently connect to their own truth the population around them begin to act in harmony with one another.

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Why meditate?

Why meditate?There are so many benefits of meditation that have been documented…
( The undocumented ones are in italics! )

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming EventsWe are currently planning a date and venue for the meditation effect. In the meantime, we have started a free meditation group to build the energy and momentum.

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