What is The Meditation Effect?

It has been shown time and time again that when meditators gather in large groups to silently connect to their own truth the population around them begin to act in harmony with one another.

Enter…”The Meditation Effect: A Silent Change“.

The Meditation Effect is based on the original findings from the scientific phenomenon called The Maharishi Effect.

This effect is a measurable rise of coherence in the collective consciousness within a community. (Big fancy words we know but they have a very profound meaning.)

Scientific research has now confirmed what Ancient Mystics, Sages and Philosophers have known for centuries. And, yes we agree it is about time!

It has provided real evidence that when as little as the square root of one per cent of a population of a city or town engages in some form of harmonising activity such as meditation with the intention of compassion, love and non-judgement, there is a significant reduction in crime and accidents.

Now here is an interested little addition, other phenomena has also been observed including an increase in stock prices, decreased pollution, decreased unemployment and decreased hostilities between nations.

So if you ever wanted some type of validation that sitting in your quite place each day actually did more for the planet then making you feel peaceful, balanced and clearer about life then The Meditation Effect is for you.

The basis of the Meditation Effect is to create a silent change in the city of Sydney that flows out to the rest of Australia and onto the world. By creating a rise of collective consciousness, (there is that big phrase again) we can literally make a difference to our home. We will actually be tracking our events in parallel to real-time reports on, as mentioned above, crime, accidents, violence etc.

As Walt Disney once said, “It takes team work to make the dream work” and collective consciousness is undeniable proof that when you meditate in groups you literally change society. This really is a silent change.

The phenomenon of collective consciousness can best be understood by examining the concept of an energy field, as described by modern science.

So please hang in there because it is about to get a little weird…

The electromagnetic field is one of the four principal force fields that permeates the entire universe. This field enables things such as radio and television transmitters to send signals by creating waves within the field. Even though the waves are unseen, they create effects with which we are all familiar including the sounds and images of radio and television.

The other three fundamental force fields are gravitation, weak interaction, and strong interaction. These also pervade everything we experience in life and behave invisibly throughout Nature.

Just as a radio transmitter can create waves in the electromagnetic field, individuals constantly create influences on all parts of creation simply because consciousness permeates every aspect of the material universe. At our most microscopic level we are trillions of cells being held together by an electromagnetic field and when we harmonise our own electromagnetism we begin to affect the electromagnetic field around us by making it entrain to our own unique balance.

For example, if a stone is thrown into a pond, waves are produced that travel throughout the entire pond. Each wave produces some effect in every part of the pond. Similarly, when we send out a balanced and harmonised frequency through our own electromagnetic field we produce influence all parts of the planet, and indeed the Universe.

Now that is pretty cool don’t you think?

We really can make a difference through our meditation practice.

Groups of individuals can create very powerful effects in the environment through their collective practice of meditation. Their practice enriches every aspect of the universe by stimulating its most fundamental constituent, consciousness.

Since collective consciousness is created by the individuals within it, as individual consciousness grows collective consciousness rises; and as collective consciousness rises individual consciousness grows. In other words, as an individual regularly experiences their own awareness, the levels of collective consciousness in which they participate, are simultaneously improved.

Since individual and collective consciousness maintain this reciprocal relationship, a group of individuals practicing meditation will bring a powerful influence of harmony to collective consciousness, enabling an entire population to act more coherently, more harmoniously, and more in accord with organising vibration of Love.


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